Botanical designs and geometric structures create a balance of architectural forms with expressive natural elements. The anthropomorphism of plants and buildings appears as a common theme typically expressed as plants having relationships, interactions or predictions of the future.

Multiples / Editions
Prints on hand cast paper are multiples made as part of a series. 5 - 10 versions of an image is printed and each one is slightly different in color and texture.
Linocuts are made in editions with each piece printed using the exact same materials and technique. The images are nearly exact replicas.
"The most recent images feature plants arranged to suggest an interaction or situation to the viewer. Interlocking silhouettes represent social connections or a conversation between people. They express character and explore emotions through basic shapes and composition. Real life experiences inspire the concepts so I'm always curious to hear what people think the images are about. Little hints throughout the composition symbolize a narrative giving the subjects an identity beyond the image."

Hand made paper is used to create both prints on paper and 3 dimensional paper castings. In the initial steps blenders are used to create a mixture of cotton pulp and water which is dyed, strained and cast into sheets. Each piece of paper is made specifically as a background for the woodcut it's cast on. The image is printed in a separate step using a traditional etching press. The technique is a combination of relief printing with hand drawn cast paper backgrounds.

"Introduction" woodcut printed on handmade paper

Originally from Orange county NY, Brian Robert Knoerzer studied visual art, and printmaking at Purchase College and received a B.F.A in May 2000. He moved to Williamsburg Brooklyn in June and started working at Brand X Editions a silkscreen studio in Manhattan. In 2003 he opened a private studio and started making paper and publishing printed images. B.R.Knoerzer owns and operates independent printmaking studio BRKzer and frequently prints at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop in NYC.
"Worldwide Printmaking Exhibition"
The Art Center, Dover NH
January 9 - Feb 28
International juried group printmaking exhibition
"New Year New Vibes"
Laguna Art Gallery, Laguna Beach
January 1 - Jan 31
International juried group exhibition
"Holiday Group Show"
Laguna Art Gallery, Laguna Beach
Dec. 1 - Dec. 31
International juried group exhibition
"Pulp: Wood, Paper, Print"
Caroline S. Mark Gallery, Wausau WI
May 6 - July 2
"The Inked Image"
Side Street Arts, Portland OR
Jan 3 - 31
"Beauty in the Breakdown" Solo Exhibition
Black Diamond Gallery, Brooklyn NYC
July 17 - August 30
Art on Paper NYC
Black Diamond Gallery"Speakeasy Installation"
Mar 5 - 8th
Greenpoint Gallery: Open call
Winner, peoples choice Jan 20 -26
Online virtual Exhibition: May 3 - June 5th